Monday Night GIrls Squad at Gryffe High School – picture courtesy of Paisley Daily Express
Houston United Girls Football Club provides an opportunity for any young girls who want to learn, understand and love the game in a fun and safe environment. We have groups for girls of all ages from as young as 5 so select an age group from the menu above, and contact the coaches to get started!
The philosophy of the club is based around the following principles as the girls’ progress through the age groups:
• Learning to love the game
• Learning to move
• Learning the skills of the game
• Playing the game
Houston United FC is a partner with the Scottish Women’s FA and follows the National Player Pathway approach to player development. All persons in a Club role involving contact with Children have been approved by the SWF following a PVG (Protection of Vulnerable Groups) application and undertaking necessary Child Protection training. The club welcomes any volunteers that wish to get involved and all training is provided.
For full details of the Houston United Girls Development Charter HUFC girls development charter 2019