Club Constitution

The club shall be known as HOUSTON UNITED FOOTBALL CLUB [hereafter HUFC]


  • To develop confident and creative football players
  • To provide a fun and safe environment for kids to practice and play
  • To teach good behavioural habits and respect for others
  • To value winning but not more than character, effort and performance



These shall consist of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and Player Protection Officer



Red, Black and White



1. A registration book to be kept by each team secretary with name, address and date of birth of each player registered. Team secretaries to be responsible for ensuring register is up to date at all times The register, parental consent forms and first aid kit must be taken to every game or event.

2. Any player cautioned or ordered off during the game to be disciplined by the committee.

3. Any committee member appearing at a game or training under the influence of alcohol to be suspended until dealt with by the club.

4. All players to play within their own age group. Any exceptions will be heard on a case by case basis and will be limited to a years difference where allowed by the league.

5. Subscriptions will be paid on a monthly basis by standing order to the respective year group account. Fees will be agreed at AGM.

6. All teams to adhere to rules and constitution of leagues they play in.

7. Team secretaries and coaches to be responsible for discipline of team and when playing home or away ensure that all premises are left in a clean and tidy condition.

8. Where any team is to protest, claim points etc, an emergency meeting may be called to ensure that the protest is in accordance with league rules and the correct procedure is taken.

9. Parental consent forms must be completed for each child. Additional Parental consent forms will be sought for any club business that doesn’t involve training or playing football in normal circumstances, for example, sponsored walks, trips away or photographs for the local press. At no time will the children be asked to participate in any activity out with the knowledge of the club P.P.O

10. All club members, players and players parents to be advised of the club official who is responsible for protection within the club. [Player Protection Officer]

11. All officials must complete a Disclosure Scotland vetting form, which must be submitted to the Scottish Youth F.A Protection Officer. Any member failing to complete the vetting form shall be automatically removed from the committee of HUFC. Players and Officials must be protected from all forms of abuse at all times.

12. Adults who assist with training sessions must be vetted. Such adults when vetted would become a Team Coach. Any person who hasn’t been vetted, will not be allowed within the dressing rooms. Head Coaches will represent respective year groups. Team Coaches do not attend HUFC meetings and have no voting rights. All Team Coaches must be registered with the S.Y.F.A. Each Team Coach will be issued with a club kit.

13. Any committee member missing two consecutive meetings unless under exceptional circumstances shall be disciplined by the committee of HUFC

14. Swearing will not be tolerated from any member of HUFC

15. There should be at least two HUFC officials running each team.

16. Each team [not age group] should have at least one coach with the minimum required coaching qualifications for the age group they are involved in.

17. Each team [not age group] should have at least one coach with the appropriate 1st Aid Qualification.

18. Children should not be escorted alone, unless it is the officials own child.

19. All age groups must have the minimum of one training session each week where weather and facilities allow.

20. Each Year Group or combined year groups require to establish an account to manage their Revenue Income (players Subscriptions, Team sponsorship etc) and Revenue outgoings (lets, team strips and other training equipment not provided for by the wider Club). The account and all income and expenditure must be made available to the treasurer on a quarterly basis or on request.

21. The Club shall maintain a Holding account in the name of HOUSTON UNITED FOOTBALL CLUB with the signatories to be both Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. This will receive all Club Sponsorship, Funding Grants, and quarterly team contributions. It will be responsible for Capital Spending in line with the Clubs objectives as agreed at Committee and in fulfilling the commitments in such applications.

22. Permission from committee at monthly meetings must be granted for the purchase of equipment which is to be paid for by the Club Holding Account. No purchase unless prior permission from Chairman or Treasurer.

23. A percentage of Subscriptions raised per year group, as agreed at Committee, shall be submitted to the Club Account to support the development of establishing teams and the Clubs wider ambitions. Funds raised by teams thereafter are for team use. The team can use the funds for any appropriate purpose providing this is justified.

24. No football colours to be worn by officials or players while representing HUFC, other than HUFC Team Colours and clothing

25. Team lines must be completed in full and handed to referee prior to start of game.

26. All matters discussed at all HUFC meetings are strictly for members only and must not be discussed with non members.

27. Should HOUSTON UNITED FOOTBALL CLUB fold or cease to exist then any facility now or in the future will be handed over to a like minded club or organization. Any funds in the club will be given to a charitable organization.

28. The AGM shall be held in June each year. The agenda will be as follows:

  • Minutes of previous AGM.
  • Chairmans report.
  • Secretaries report.
  • Treasurers report.
  • Election of Office Bearers.
  • Alteration of Constitution and rules.
  • Monthly Fees.
  • Any other competent business.

29. Items for discussion at AGM must be lodged with Secretary one weeks before AGM

30. Any items not covered by this constitution will be dealt with according to S.Y.F.A and associated league rules.

31. Each age group to have their own presentation at 7’s and 11’s. 4-a-side teams to have their presentation together. These will be club events.

32. The Head Coach or other Coaches must be over the age of sixteen years of age. In the event of the head coach resigning, his or her deputy will take charge of the team until a replacement is agreed by the team and committee.

33. When a club official or player leaves HUFC, all equipment including strips, training gear or other club property must be returned to HUFC.
No official or player will be released until all of the above is returned.

34. HUFC Club meetings will be held a minimum of 6 per annum as agreed.

35. Club officials should refrain from smoking when engaged in HUFC team matters involving players or whilst wearing HUFC Coach clothing. They should also abide by Renfrewshire and other council rules and regulations re-smoking.

36. HUFC will maintain associate member status of the Scottish Youth Football Association [S.Y.F.AJ which is renewable on an annual basis. HUFC will also abide by the S.Y.F.A child protection policies and procedures, codes and conducts and other equal opportunities and anti-discrimination policy.

37. Chairman: The Chairman shall chair the meetings of the management committee. They shall be responsible for initiating or assisting in the furtherance of the club. He shall have the casting vote when votes counted are evenly split. Vice- Chairman: Will act as Chairman during the absence of Chairman. Secretary: Will be responsible for the administration of the club. Treasurer: To be responsible for the accounts and finances of the club and to keep such bank accounts as required by the management committee and to present an audited balance of the accounts at the AGM. To supply to any person having reasonable cause to ask for same:
Player Protection Officer: To co-ordinate child protection and welfare policies within the club.