Child Protection

What to do if a disclosure is made to you:

  • A disclosure is when a young person opens up about something personal that has happened to them. It usually involves the development of trust between the young person and the person they disclose to


How to listen to a disclosure:

  • React calmly so as not to frighten the young person I vulnerable adult
  • Listen to the young person I vulnerable adult
  • Do not show disbelief
  • Tell them that they are not to blame and they are right to tell
  • Take what the child I venerable adult says seriously, recognise the difficulties inherent in interpreting what a child I vulnerable adult says, especially if they have a speech disability and/or differences in language
  • Do not pre-suppose that the experience was bad or painful – it may have been natural or even pleasurable
  • Always avoid projecting your own reactions on to the child or vulnerable adult
  • If you need to clarify, keep questions to the absolute minimum to ensure a clear and accurate understanding of what has been said
  • Do not introduce personal information from either your own experiences or those of other children or vulnerable adults
  • Reassure the child or vulnerable adult.


What to do after a disclosure has been made to you:

  • Listen to the person as detailed above
  • Acknowledge the information received
  • Pass the information to the child protection officer and if appropriate to the parents/guardian/carer of the child or vulnerable adult
  • Make a full written record of the disclosure on the day you receive the disclosure
  • Sign and date the disclosure and pass this to the child protection officer


Football can and does have a very powerful and positive influence on people – especially young people and vulnerable adults. Not only can it provide opportunities for enjoyment and achievement, it can also develop valuable qualities and skills such as self-esteem, leadership and teamwork.

These positive effects can only take place if football is in the right hands- in the hands of those who place the welfare of all the young people and vulnerable adults first and adopt practises and support, protect and empower them.

Adopting best practice by everyone will help to safeguard children and vulnerable adults from potential false allegations of abuse. Houston United Football Club is committed for the protection of the children and vulnerable adults through the implementation of this policy and the supporting procedures.


Good Practice:

Houston United Football Club supports and requires the following good practice with children and vulnerable adults:

  •  Make football fun and promote fair play
  •  Always work in an open environment avoiding private unobserved situations and encourage open environment for activities.
  •  Treat all children and vulnerable adults equally, with respect and dignity
  •  Put the welfare of each child or vulnerable adult first before winning or achieving goals.
  •  Be an excellent role model including not smoking or drinking alcohol in the company of children or vulnerable adults.
  •  Request permission of any video or photographic equipment
  •  Give enthusiastic and constructive feedback rather than negative criticism


Practice to be avoided:

  • Avoid having favourites- this could lead to resentment and jealousy by other children or vulnerable adults and could be a cause of false allegations.
  • Avoid spending excessive amounts of time alone with children away from others.


Practice never to be sanctioned:

  • Never engage in rough, physical or sexually provocative games, including horseplay.
  • Never allow or engage in any form of inappropriate touching.
  • Never make any sexually suggestive comments to a child, even in fun.
  • Never reduce a child to tears as a form of control.
  • Never allow allegations made by a child to go unchallenged, unrecorded or riot acted upon.
  • Never allow children to stay with you at home unsupervised.
  • Never do things of a personal nature for children and vulnerable adults that they can do for themselves.


You can download the Child Protection Incident Record Form by clicking on the link below.

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